Please click the Documents tab on the left of the home page of this site. You need to click open the first seven documents found there. They will orient you to what this website contains. Start with: 




(1) Chapters in Book, "Luxembourgers in the New World"-This file is a detailed outline of several books and CDs that I have written to pull together in narrative form all of the research that I have conducted on this ethnic community.

(2) Next, look at the file called "Outline of Data Sources from the Book". It summarizes the 27 main sources of data that I used in researching and writing the Luxembourger books and CDs


(3) Following this, I have presented the various chapters found in # 1 above in a 3 part Powerpoint presentation. Start with Part 1 and work through to Part III.




     The slides in the Power points will make reference to the data used to create them. These data files may be found among these 7 orientation files and are called Databook I and Databook II.


     After these first seven files you will find many smaller, separate files . They are presented in no particular order as the software to create documents does not allow the administrator to place similiar files in folders. Please read the short descriptions of each of these files and then click them open to view their contents. I have placed many of these files in researchable format, so the viewer can sort spreadsheets and databases, etc. 


     Note: You will notice a lot of records, information, and data on certain families that I am related to such as the LUCIUS, BEYEN, KIEFFERs. These families intermarried with other Luxembourgers in this community and, therefore, you will find many of your ancestors among mine. However, I would like to post information you have concerning your ancestors, so that eventually this site truly represents the descendants of all of these Luxembourg settlers. While I have posted as much information as I have collected on your families, I need you to flesh out this site by submitting to me things you would like to put on our site.


Please let me know if you have trouble negotiating the multiple files found under Documents.